Tuesday, January 24, 2006

MSN's Answer to Search (and Maybe a Few Other Things)

Just how does MSN plan to win the search game? Based on the presentation, it's betting not just on Web search but on data search across digital platforms. Currently, it sees four components are critical to its success:
User information. People use the Web to access news, entertainment, blogs, and podcasts. All these sources must be searchable and easily accessible across multiple platforms.

User personalities. People have at least two personalities online, usually work and personal. These personalities show up in separate instant messaging and e-mail contact lists. People want and need access to both personalities, both at home and at work.

Software and devices. PC, PDA, mobile phone, Xbox 360. All are separate entities. Currently, accessing the Web across platforms isn't a seamless experience. Microsoft plans to change that, creating ease and convenience for the consumer and better targeting and advertising opportunities for marketers.

Monetization ecosystem. MSN plans to offer a product called adCenter to enable advertisers to better target their advertising and understand campaign performance. With that knowledge, advertisers can modify their campaigns. Jakubowski added, 'People can take the enhanced learning from adCenter and apply it to their Google and Yahoo! campaigns.' Essentially, it's promising more control and better reporting for the advertiser. Advertisers can benefit from knowing how their customers use not just search but all interactive environments. |source: MSN's Answer to Search - ClickZ News


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